Бухгалтерия  [Аскон] Иностранные работники - приём на работу, оплата труда и налогообложение (2023)

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  • Бухгалтерия


Тамара Самусевич

Программа мероприятия:

  • 1. Нормативное регулирование труда мигрантов в России в свете последних изменений
  • 2. Правовые статусы иностранцев
  • 3. "Иностранный" трудовой договор
  • 4. Изменения в миграционном учете
  • 5. Особенности начисления и выплаты заработной платы иностранным работникам
  • 6. НДФЛ и страховые взносы


Психотерапия  [Крутых Евгений Геннадьевич] Агрессивный клиент (2023)

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  • Психотерапия


Агрессивный клиент
Часть 1: мотивация агрессивного поведения
Часть 2: формы агрессивного поведения
Часть 3. Работа с агрессией

Лекцию читает кандидат медицинских наук,



Тревожность  [EduNote] Диалоги о сказкотерапии - прощайте, ложные тревоги (2023)

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  • Тревожность


Современный человек легко находит повод для тревог разной степени тяжести. Несмотря на обилие техник саморегуляции, объёмы тревог не становятся меньше, даже возрастают. Почему и зачем так происходит? Попробуем найти "сказочный ответ"!

В сказке - всё живое. Если прямо спросить тревогу: "Какого ты роду-племени?", что она ответит?

Кажется, что тревога подобна сказочной лисе, выгнавшей зайца из его собственного дома. И только крик петуха способен прогнать нахальную гостью. Можем ли мы повторять сказочный опыт в нашей повседневности, чтобы регулировать приступы тревоги?

На нашей встрече:
  • мы найдём подход, чтобы отличить...

Сад и огород  [Кулакова Анна Сергеевна] «Основы садово-паркового строительства» - разбор практического задания (2023)

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  • Сад и огород


Данный вебинар полезен всем слушателям программ:

«Ландшафтный дизайн и проектирование», «Ландшафтный архитектор» и др.

Цели вебинара:
Произвести разбор практических заданий по различным дисциплинам.

  • Дизайн/Ландшафтный дизайн
  • Сельское хозяйство/Садоводство


Психотерапия  [EduNote] Дифференциация по типам характера. Функционирование в стрессе (2022)

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  • Психотерапия


Первый вебинар Цикла
, который состоит из трех встреч, позволяющих разобрать три из наиболее значимых для работы психоаналитика типов характера

Обсудим как дифференцировать типы характера и работать с пациентами истерического, мазозистического, обсессивно-компульсивного типа характера в условиях стресса, как помочь пережить тревогу, какие приемы самопомощи возможны, если Вы сами у себя определили обсуждаемый тип характера.
Формат: Видеозапись вебинара
Длительность: 1,5 часа
На вебинаре:

  • Мы обсудим как формируются три типа характера (истерический, мазохистический и обсессивно-компульсивный).
  • Какие признаки могут...

Выпечка  [Pastry-School.online] Бабки (2023)

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  • Выпечка


Книга рецептов:

- Удобное, подробное, пошаговое описание процесса приготовления каждого десерта, которые мы делаем на курсе
- Полный перечень всех необходимых инструментов и список продуктов (с указанием количества), которые понадобятся

10 рецептов:
  • Бабка с шоколадом и фундуком
  • Бабка с яблоками и корицей
  • Бабка со сливочным кремом
  • Бабка с белым шоколадом и клюквой
  • Бабка с карамелью и грецким орехом
  • Шоколадная бабка с темным шоколадом
  • Бабка с ванильным кремом
  • Бабка с вишней и темным шоколадом
  • Бабка с абрикосом и миндалем
  • Бабка с творогом и сухофруктами
Вы узнаете:
  • Как...

Разное  [Конорева Елена Анатольевна] «О чем говорит птица.» Какие сигналы подают куры, как их распознать и использовать. (2023)

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  • Разное


- Что такое сигналы и как их подает птица
- Изучим уровни восприятия сигналов
- Поговорим про оценку поведения птицы
- Поговорим про оценку внешнего состояния птицы
- Осмотр птичника через сигналы поголовья.



Десерты  [Лилия Завадская] Шоко-бомбочки (2023)

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  • Десерты


Эти шоколадные бомбочки с какао и маршмеллоу внутри покорили всех - так что пора научиться их готовить правильно!

В видеоуроке Шоко-бомбочки от Лили Завадской вас ждут подробности работы с шоколадом на всех этапах - от подготовки форм, темперирования шоколада простыми домашними способами до приготовления этих классных бомбочек!

Если вы боитесь шоколада, никак не можете подступиться к нему и считаете, что это сложно - этот урок для вас.

В видеоуроке вас ждет:
  • три простых способа темперирования шоколада в домашних условиях без мраморной доски
  • приготовление шоколадных бомбочек в трех видах форм -...

Books  [Greg Wilson] Teaching Tech Together: How to Make Your Lessons Work and Build a Teaching Community around Them

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Hundreds of grassroots groups have sprung up around the world to teach programming, web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so that people don't have to learn these things on their own, but ironically, their founders and instructors are often teaching themselves how to teach.

There's a better way. This book presents evidence-based practices that will help you create and deliver lessons that work and build a teaching community around them. Topics include the differences between different kinds of learners, diagnosing and correcting misunderstandings, teaching as a performance art, what...

Books  [Damien Irving, Kate Hertweck, Luke Johnston] Research Software Engineering with Python

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Writing and running software is now as much a part of science as telescopes and test tubes, but most researchers are never taught how to do either well. As a result, it takes them longer to accomplish simple tasks than it should, and it is harder for them to share their work with others than it needs to be.

This book introduces the concepts, tools, and skills that researchers need to get more done in less time and with less pain. Based on the practical experiences of its authors, who collectively have spent several decades teaching software skills to scientists, it covers everything graduate-level researchers need to automate their...

Books  [Tavish Armstrong] The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume I

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  • Books


Architects look at thousands of buildings during their training, and study critiques of those buildings written by masters. In contrast, most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well — usually programs they wrote themselves — and never study the great programs of history. As a result, they repeat one another’s mistakes rather than building on one another’s successes. This second volume of The Architecture of Open Source Applications aims to change that. In it, the authors of twenty-four open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why. What are each program's major components...

Books  [Tavish Armstrong] The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume II

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Architects look at thousands of buildings during their training, and study critiques of those buildings written by masters. In contrast, most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well — usually programs they wrote themselves — and never study the great programs of history. As a result, they repeat one another’s mistakes rather than building on one another’s successes. This second volume of The Architecture of Open Source Applications aims to change that. In it, the authors of twenty-four open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why. What are each program's major components...

Books  [Tavish Armstrong] The Performance of Open Source Applications

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In 1974, Donald Knuth wrote, "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97%% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil." With computers available now that are millions of times faster than those available then, today's programmers have even less reason to worry about shaving cycles and saving bytes than those a generation ago. But "less" isn't "none": every once in a while, squeezing the last ounce of performance out of the machine really does matter. This book is written by over a dozen developers who have grappled with slow code, memory leaks, or uncontrollable latency in open source software. They share...

Books  [Amy Brown, Michael DiBernardo] 500 Lines or Less

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  • Books


As we pointed out in The Architecture of Open Source Applications, architects look at thousands of buildings during their training, and study the critiques of many more. But most software developers only ever get to know a handful of programs well — usually programs they wrote themselves. This book provides you with the chance to study how 26 experienced programmers think when they are building something new. The programs you will read about in this book were all written from scratch to solve difficult problems. A web server, a pedometer, a Python interpreter, a web-based spreadsheet, and many more applications are written, in 500 lines...

Books  [Brown, Amy; Wilson, Greg] The architecture of open source applications. Elegance, Evolution, And A Few Fearless Hacks

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  • Books


Architects look at thousands of buildings during their training, and study critiques of those buildings written by masters. In contrast, most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well — usually programs they wrote themselves — and never study the great programs of history. As a result, they repeat one another’s mistakes rather than building on one another’s successes.

This second volume of The Architecture of Open Source Applications aims to change that. In it, the authors of twenty-four open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why. What are each program's major components...

Books  [Chris Hanson, Gerald Jay Sussman] Software Design for Flexibility: How to Avoid Programming Yourself into a Corner

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Strategies for building large systems that can be easily adapted for new situations with only minor programming modifications.

Time pressures encourage programmers to write code that works well for a narrow purpose, with no room to grow. But the best systems are evolvable; they can be adapted for new situations by adding code, rather than changing the existing code. The authors describe techniques they have found effective--over their combined 100-plus years of programming experience--that will help programmers avoid programming themselves into corners.

The authors explore ways to enhance flexibility by:
  • Organizing...

Books  [Anil Hemrajani] Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse

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  • Books


Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipseis a book about robust technologies and effective methods which help bring simplicity back into the world of enterprise Java development. The three key technologies covered in this book, the Spring Framework, Hibernate and Eclipse, help reduce the complexity of enterprise Java development significantly. Furthermore, these technologies enable plain old Java objects (POJOs) to be deployed in light-weight containers versus heavy-handed remote objects that require heavy EJB containers. This book also extensively covers technologies such as Ant, JUnit, JSP tag libraries and touches...

Books  [Richard A. Bartle] Designing Virtual Worlds

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Designing Virtual Worlds is the most comprehensive treatment of virtual world design to-date from one of the true pioneers and most sought-after design consultants. It's a tour de force of VW design, stunning in intellectual scope, spanning the literary, economic, sociological, psychological, physical, technological, and ethical underpinnings of design, while providing the reader with a deep, well-grounded understanding of VW design principles. It covers everything from MUDs to MOOs to MMORPGs, from text-based to graphical VWs.

Designing Virtual Worlds brings a rich, well-developed approach to the design concepts behind virtual worlds...

Books  [Leonardo Giordani] Clean Architectures in Python: A Practical Approach to Better Software Design

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The clean architecture is the opposite of spaghetti code, where everything is interlaced and there are no single elements that can be easily detached from the rest and replaced without the whole system collapsing. The main point of the clean architecture is to make clear "what is where and why", and this should be your first concern while you design and implement a software system, whatever architecture or development methodology you want to follow.



Books  [Peter Joore, Guido Stompff, Jeroen van den Eijnde] Applied Design Research

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A Mosaic of 22 Examples, Experiences and Interpretations Focussing on Bridging the Gap between Practice and Academics.

Design and research are two fields of knowledge that each has its traditions, methods, standards and practices. These two worlds appear to be quite separate, with researchers investigating what exists, and designers visualising what could be. This book builds a bridge between both worlds by showing how design and research can be integrated to develop a new field of knowledge.

About the Authors:
  • Peter Joore studies design processes in which different types of actors, across the boundaries of sectors...

Books  [Nick Dunn, Leon Cruickshank, Gemma Coupe] Flourish by Design

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This book brings together a range of established and emerging voices in design research for a collection that provides original provocations on topics of global significance. It is an insightful guide to original theory and practice concerning how we can design for a better tomorrow.

About the Authors:
  • Nick Dunn is Professor of Urban Design and Executive Director of Imagination, the design and architecture research lab at Lancaster University, UK.


Books  [Mark Richards] Software Architecture Patterns: Understanding Common Architectural Styles and When to Use Them

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Understanding Common Architectural Styles and When to Use Them.

The success of any application or system depends on the architecture pattern you use. By describing the overall characteristics of the architecture, these patterns not only guide designers and developers on how to design components, but also determine the ways in which those components should interact.

This book takes a deep dive into many common software architecture patterns. Each pattern includes a full explanation of how it works, explains the pattern's benefits and considerations, and describes the circumstances and conditions it was designed to address. The book...

Books  [OReilly] Software architecture patterns

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It’s all too common for developers to start coding an application without a formal architecture in place. Without a clear and well-defined architecture, most developers and architects will resort to the de facto standard traditional layered architecture pattern (also called the n-tier architecture), creating implicit layers by separating source-code modules into packages. Unfortunately, what often results from this practice is a collection of unorganized source-code modules that lack clear roles, responsibilities, and relationships to one another. This is commonly referred to as the big ball of mud architecture anti-pattern...

Books  [Chris Rayns, Andy Ritchie, Sriram Balakrishnan, Daniel Donnelly, Kallol Ghosh] Patterns: Integrating WebSphere ILOG JRules with IBM Software

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This book describes how the IBM WebSphere® JRules Product can be used in association with other IBM middleware products to deliver smarter solutions. The publication will help architects position a Business Rules management system in their existing infrastructures to deliver the value propositions the business needs. The publication then helps developers design and integrate JRules with those middleware products (focussing on Websphere Process Server, WebSphere Message Broker and IBM CICS®) to illustrate common integration patterns and practices for these products

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