Личностный рост  [Галина Турецкая] Роман с деньгами: Секреты взаимности (2023)

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  • Саморазвитие / Психология / Эзотерика


Как добиться взаимности с деньгами за счет подсознания

  • Устали жить от зарплаты до зарплаты?
  • Мечтаете о большем, и не хватает на мечту?
  • Деньги тяжело даются и ненадолго задерживаются?
  • Деньги есть, а счастья нет?
Вы не обязаны продолжать в том же духе год за годом.
Все может быть по-другому?

На антикризисном тренинге-интенсиве вы получите работающие психологические практики, чтобы перепрограммировать ваше подсознание на тему денег и получать БОЛЬШЕ ДЕНЕГ БЕЗ ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫХ УСИЛИЙ, наоборот – с удовольствием!

Только еда и...

Личностный рост  [Искандер Джин] Кристальная женская привлекательность 2.0 (2023)

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  • Саморазвитие / Психология / Эзотерика


Пробуждение природы истинного женского счастья

Этот семинар о развитии женственности ицелостной привлекательности на всех уровнях, он позволит Вам осознать и освободиться от множественных ограничивающих блокировок, которые были накоплены в процессе воспитания, пробудить энергию благополучия, целостного здоровья и гармонии выйти на новый уровень притяжения успешных мужчин и гармонизации уже имеющихся отношений.

Этот онлайн семинар создан для девушек и женщин, которые стремятся к пониманию и раскрытию своей истинной красоты и способности всем сердцем доверять окружающему миру с готовностью получать все самое лучшее...

Гадание  [Татьяна Смирнова] Божества Ци Мэнь Дунь Цзя или Ваш личный исполнитель желаний (2021)

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Что у вас будет после курсе

  • Узнаете технику, при правильном применении которой, ваши мечты будут сбываться гарантированно.
  • Вы узнаете своего личного помощника для “сбычи мечт” -"родное" Божество.
  • Вы узнаете, с каким Божеством вы связаны сейчас.
  • Узнаете секрет общения с вашим Божеством, чтобы оно вас услышало и помогало.
  • Получите механизм для ускорения исполнения ваших желаний.
  • Сможете формулировать свои желания и просьбы так, чтобы были “услышаны” и исполнялись.
  • Вы сможете создавать специальный настрой и состояние, для того, чтобы все получалось быстрее и легче...

Личностный рост  [Елена Куликова] Занятие для родителей и нянь. Развитие детей. 2 части (2024)

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  • Саморазвитие / Психология / Эзотерика


Занятия для Родителей и нянь о том, как развивать детей различного возраста путем игровой деятельности.
Первый урок для родителей и нянь деток, которым один год.

Вашему ребёнку 1 год
Что же вы узнаете, изучив этот онлайн урок
  • что ребёнок знает к 1 году
  • что ребёнок умеет делать в 1 год
  • что мы начнём изучать в 1 год, на что стоит обратить внимание
  • какие игрушки помогут вам правильно развить вашего ребёнка
  • нормы развития
  • примеры игр с разным материалом
Все это вы узнаете в 30 минутном ролике о вашем малыше! Четко и по делу, простым языком, для наших Родителей и нянь

Во втромом уроке...

Личностный рост  [Ольга Коробейникова] Тета-интенсив «Совершенствуем базовые знания тета-хилинга» (2020)

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  • Саморазвитие / Психология / Эзотерика


Автор интенсива : Ольга Коробейникова.
Инструктор высшей степени в практике ThetaHealing


1. Кто такой Творец и как соединиться с энергией Безусловной любви, чтобы происходили исцеления?
2. Почему не получается сканировать пространство другого человека? Какие убеждения и страхи блокируют доверие своей интуиции?
3. Как различить во время сканирования: это говорит твой мозг или ты чувствуешь истину, касающуюся другого человека?
4. Что делать, если убеждения клиента пересекаются с убеждениями самого консультанта? Что делать, если во время консультации ты зашел в тупик и не знаешь, какой...

Раздача  Бесплатный VPN без рекламы —ZAMA

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Books  [Sugnet Lubbe Niël J le Roux] R Programming: A Step-by-Step Guide for Absolute Beginners

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  • Books


A Step-by- Step Tutorial in R has a two-fold aim: to learn the basics of R and to acquire basic skills for programming efficiently in R. Emphasis is on converting ideas about analysing data into useful R programs. It is stressed throughout that programming starts first by getting a clear understanding of the problem. Once the problem is well formulated the next phase is to write step-by-step code for execution by the R evaluator. Although A Step-by-Step Tutorial in R is primarily intended as a course directed by an instructor, it can also be used  with a little more effort  as a self-teaching option. The first 11 chapters form the...

Books  [William F. Clocksin] Programming In Prolog: Using The Iso Standard

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Originally published in 1981, this was the first textbook on programming in the Prolog language and is still the definitive introductory text on Prolog. Though many Prolog textbooks have been published since, this one has withstood the test of time because of its comprehensiveness, tutorial approach, and emphasis on general programming applications.

Prolog has continued to attract a great deal of interest in the computer science community, and has turned out to be a basis for an important new generation of programming languages and systems for Artificial Intelligence. Since the previous edition of Programming in Prolog, the language...

Books  [Chris Moss] Prolog ++: The Power of Object-Oriented and Logic Programming

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The first book on Prolog ++, an important new language combining object-orientation with logic programming. Includes tutorial style with worked examples, exercises, summaries, etc., significant applications coverage, state-of-the-art coverage of other approaches including parallel language, and distributed databases.



Books  [Max Bramer] Logic Programming With Prolog

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Logic Programming is the name given to a distinctive style of programming, very different from that of conventional programming languages such as C++ and Java. By far the most widely used Logic Programming language is Prolog. Prolog is a good choice for developing complex applications, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Logic Programming with Prolog does not assume that the reader is an experienced programmer or has a background in Mathematics, Logic or Artificial Intelligence. It starts from scratch and aims to arrive at the point where quite powerful programs can be written in the language. It is intended both as...

Books  [W. Burnham, Alex Hall] Prolog Programming And Applications

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from the back "The recent commercial and educational success of Prolog has come as no surprise to those who have worked for some years with the language. It is like no other computer language because it allows the programmer to describe a proble to the computer system in a direct, logical and declarative manner. The apparent simplicity of the syntax conceals a great power and versatility which allows the representation of knowledge, the processing of natural language, rapid prototyping of applications and completely flexible data structures. In no other language do the design of a system and its programming combine so closely."...

Books  [Kenneth A. Bowen] Prolog And Expert Systems

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This text combines an introduction to Prolog with an introduction to its use in building expert systems. It is suitable as a text for courses in expert systems, Prolog, or as a supplement in introductory artificial intelligence courses.



Books  [Ivan Bratko] Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence

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This best-selling guide to Prolog and Artificial Intelligence, which has been updated to include key developments in the field, concentrates on the art of using the basic mechanisms of Prolog to solve interesting AI problems.
  • Combined approach to Prolog and AI allows flexibility for learning and teaching.
  • Provides a thorough representation of AI, emphasizing practical techniques and Prolog implementations.
  • Prolog programs for use in projects and research are available for download from the companion website http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/bratko

Books  [Adobe Systems] Postscript Language Tutorial And Cookbook

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Introduces the PostScript programming language, which is designed to describe and control the appearance of text, images, and graphic material for the printed page, and demonstrates useful techniques and procedures



Books  [Barry Thomas] A Postscript Cookbook

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Introduces the PostScript document description language, shows how to manipulate text, graphics, and fonts, and explains the function of each operator



Books  [Hyun-Seok Son] Linear Algebra Coding With Python: Python's Application For Linear Algebra

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Python is one of the most popular languages for data analysis and prediction. What's more, tensorflow and torch, useful tools of recent deep learning, are fully implemented by Python. The basic form of data in these languages is an array, created by Python's important package numpy. In particular, arrays are the basis of data science because they have structures of vectors and matrices that give the meaning of direction and magnitude to each value in the data set. For example, a matrix structure allows transformation to a simple form without losing the basic characteristics of a vast data set. These transformations are useful for...

Books  [Oscar Scratch] Python For Data Analysis: A Basic Programming Crash Course To Learn Python Data Science Essential Tools, Pandas, And Numpy

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Put away your credentials and get prepared to immerse yourself in a basic crash course of data analysis, Pandas and Numpy even if you are a beginner with no knowledge about programming.

Python is a high-level programming language, released for the first time in 1991 by its creator Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer currently operating in Dropbox. Python is used by thousands of people to do things from the power of Instagram, to building video games with the PyGame library.

Often programming is seen as something complicated:
· we fear the effort that goes into learning a new programming language
· the books available on...

Books  [Django Smith] Python Machine Learning: The Crash Course for Beginners to Programming and Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks

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  • Books


Discounted at $ 23.95 instead of $ 39.95 for a few days with 55% OFF for Bookstores! LAST DAYS!! * Start Programming PythonWhat if you could make your program one that can learn by trial and error or based on the information you show?What if you could get a program that could adapt and change based on the user's input?And what if you were able to make all of this happen with the Python coding language, helping beginner's work with more complicated codes?This is all possible with Python machine learning.This guidebook will take some time to look at Python machine learning and all of the neat things that you can do with it.Machine...

Books  [Jim Smith, Ravi Nair] Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms For Systems And Processes

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  • Books


Virtual Machine technology applies the concept of virtualization to an entire machine, circumventing real machine compatibility constraints and hardware resource constraints to enable a higher degree of software portability and flexibility. Virtual machines are rapidly becoming an essential element in computer system design. They provide system security, flexibility, cross-platform compatibility, reliability, and resource efficiency. Designed to solve problems in combining and using major computer system components, virtual machine technologies play a key role in many disciplines, including operating systems, programming languages...

Books  [Kenneth A. Lambert] Fundamentals Of Python: First Programs, 2nd Edition

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Master today's required computer science topics while preparing for further study with Lambert's FUNDAMENTALS OF PYTHON: FIRST PROGRAMS. This book's easygoing approach is ideal, no matter what your background. The approach starts with simple algorithmic code and then scales into working with functions, objects, and classes as the problems become more complex and require new abstraction mechanisms. Rather than working only with numeric or text-based applications like other introductory texts, this edition presents graphics, image manipulation, GUIs, and simple networked client/server applications. The author uses Python's standard...

Books  [White Belt Mastery] Python Programming for beginners: Learn Python in a step by step approach, Complete practical crash course to learn Python coding

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The book you were waiting for to learn how to program with Python !
100% Beginners centered
  • Introduction to Python
  • Variables, Math expressions
  • User input and conditional statements
  • Comments, lists, tuple
  • Dictionary, Loop, Changing case
  • Functions, classes
  • Data files, modules
  • CSV files, JSON files
  • Exceptions handling
So don't wait any longer and get this comprehensive guide to Python now !



Books  [Eric Chou] Mastering Python Networking - Second Edition: Your one stop solution to using Python for network automation, DevOps

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  • Books


Master the art of using Python for a diverse range of network engineering tasks to thrive in the next era of networking

Key Features:​

  • Unlock the power of Python libraries to tackle difficult network problems efficiently and effectively.
  • Use Python for network device automation, DevOps, and software-defined networking
  • Become an expert in implementing advanced network-related tasks with Python.

Book Description:​

Being able to automate and increase network change velocity has become critical to many businesses. Networks in your infrastructure is at the foundation of how your application can be deployed...

Books  [Luca Massaron, Alberto Boschetti] Regression Analysis with Python: Learn the Art of Regression Analysis With Python

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  • Books


Learn the art of regression analysis with Python

About This Book

  • Become competent at implementing regression analysis in Python
  • Solve some of the complex data science problems related to predicting outcomes
  • Get to grips with various types of regression for effective data analysis

Who This Book Is For

The book targets Python developers, with a basic understanding of data science, statistics, and math, who want to learn how to do regression analysis on a dataset. It is beneficial if you have some knowledge of statistics and data science....

Books  [Amit Saha] Doing Math With Python

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Doing Math with Python shows you how to use Python to delve into high school–level math topics like statistics, geometry, probability, and calculus. You’ll start with simple projects, like a factoring program and a quadratic-equation solver, and then create more complex projects once you’ve gotten the hang of things.

Along the way, you’ll discover new ways to explore math and gain valuable programming skills that you’ll use throughout your study of math and computer science. Learn how to:
–Describe your data with statistics, and visualize it with line graphs, bar charts, and scatter plots
–Explore set theory and probability...
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Отзывы о курсах

  • Kleiver
    Отличный материал
  • Podushkodav
    Как всегда материал отличного качества!
  • dyna
    This site is one of the most reliable site ever to get account that are working effectively...
    They made everything absolutely easy. ..
    You have earned my respect.. BRAVO....
  • Петр5555
    Это просто огонь!!!!! Прямая передача знаний. аналогов нет
  • AndriyS
    1. Нормальное качество звука и видео.
    2. Можно смотреть в любое время, большое внимание к решению практических задач.
    3. Нужно иметь достаточный уровень знаний. Для меня на данный момент это было сложно.
    В целом понравилось. В первую очередь практические задачи. Более наглядно увидел возможности применения алгоритмов.
  • lumiproxy
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  • Bazis10i
    . Качество данного продукта
  • deminavolga
    Отличный курс! Огромное спасибо!