Books [Veracode] Why Should I Care? Mobile Security for The Rest of Us



I've already accepted the fact that Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) is a business trend that's here to stay. According to one report I recently read, just 23 percent of enterprise employees use company-sanctioned mobile devices only - meaning 77 percent of employees are using their own devices in some capacity to do their job. 1 As the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Veracode I have experienced this trend firsthand and if it hasn't hit you yet, the BYOD tidal wave is coming your way!

This book lists 10 simple things that every business user can do to help protect their personal information as well as their company's data, IP and brand when they use their mobile devices at work. We've made every effort to make our mobile security story a fun one to read. Some of the details around the mobile security stack can be tedious, but it's hard to resist when the stack looks like a club sandwich!


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