Сайтостроение The One Pager v1.3.3

Unique Features

Custom Homepage
The One Pager provides you with every module you might need to have a one page website. Each module can be enabled/disabled in the theme options or placed in a specific order using the WooComponent widget layout.

Editable header
An introductory message feature is included in The One Pager, with support for shortcodes to place call to action buttons and a large message text area, for promoting your business.

WooSlider integration
A large homepage featured slider fills the theme’s header. Use the slider to showcase your services, latest adverts or just about any content, all powered by the fully responsive FlexSlider, which makes it usable on mobile devices. You can put a featured image or a video in the slide and display it in your slider.

Integrates “Features by WooThemes”
This theme integrates seamlessly with the Features by WooThemes plugin. Use the plugin to display your company, product or service’s features on your homepage.

Integrates “Testimonials by WooThemes”
This theme integrates seamlessly with the Testimonials by WooThemes plugin. Use the plugin to display what your customers are saying about your business, right on your homepage.

Custom Widgets
In addition to the widgetized homepage and the custom component widget, the theme has 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 4 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Video/Embed, Subscribe and Connect, Search and Flickr).

Home Page Feature Slider
Styling Options

The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link and button color.

Google Fonts support
You can change any text on your site to the font of your liking, and also use the awesome Google Fonts to go beyond those standard web-safe fonts.

The ultimate one page WordPress theme.
The One Pager theme includes support for the Bootstrap javascript function “ScrollSpy”. The ScrollSpy plugin is for automatically updating menu items based on scroll position. Scroll the area below the navbar and watch the active class change.


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